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UK Evaluations of


Evaluation of the Family Nurse Partnership in Scotland

The report has now been published!

EVALUATING the family nurse partnership IN THE UK

The Centre for Trials Research at Cardiff University has a long-standing interest and experience in evaluating early years interventions and has been evaluating The Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) since 2008.

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The Family Nurse Partnership

The Family Nurse Partnership programme (or FNP) offers young mothers having their first baby support from a Family Nurse. The nurse visits the woman at home during pregnancy and until the baby’s second birthday. As FNP has been shown to help young families in the USA the government introduced it in England.

FNP aims to help first time young mums to:

  • have a healthy pregnancy

  • improve their child's health and development

  • plan their own future

Completed and ongoing projects

research portfolio


Building Blocks Trial

A Randomised Controlled Trial in England evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Family Nurse Partnership.

Learn more


Building Blocks: 2-6 Study

Medium-term follow-up of the Building Blocks Trial cohort using administrative data assessing impact of the Family Nurse Partnership.

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Evaluation in Scotland

Natural experiment in Scotland using administrative data evaluating effectiveness of the Family Nurse Partnership.

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Our Portfolio of Research

Other funded research completed and underway exploring the impact of the Family Nurse Partnership in the UK and beyond.

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Building Blocks:2-6 Study results

View our video about our recent study - The Building Blocks: 2-6 study

Centre for Trials Research Funding